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Eddie Santini in Dog Eat Dog Find out what Michael Higgs is up to!

'Poirot Evil Under The Sun' HAS ARRIVED! (December 2002)

I was just reading the Radio Times and I noticed Poirot in the schedules. It airs finally on ITV1 on Sunday December 15th. Michael plays a character called Patrick Redfern and is 7th down in the credits list so he should hopefully have a significant part. I can't wait!

Eddie is back (December 2002)

Well he's back on UK Gold at least. At this moment in time UK Gold are showing 1998 episodes of The Bill at 9am and 4pm. Times are subject to change so make sure you check the TV guide.

Michael Higgs' Poirot Appearance Coming Finally! (July 2002)

Yes and this is according to Teletext. New episodes of Poirot made in 2000 were recently broadcast on ITV1 on Sunday nights. A Teletext article that I read says that the other Poirot episodes will be broadcast further into the summer so as soon as I see them in the schedules I'll let you know!

Win Eddie's Suit (May 2002)

The Official Bill Web Site is currently offering everyone the chance to win one of the suits worn by our very man: Eddie Santini. Click here to enter and good luck!

Afternoon Play - The Mind's Eye (21/4/02)

Michael Higgs will be in Radio Four's afternoon play on April 24th!

New series of Bad Girls (13/02/02)

A brand new series of Bad Girls starts Thursday 28th February, so don't say I haven't warned you!

The Homecoming (1/02/02)

Michael Higgs is currently starring in The Homecoming at the Royal Exchange Theatre until March 3rd. To find out more click here here!

Latest News (9/01/02)

I thought I would just have one entry detailing all the news since the last update. When looking for news on the web I found a report about Michael and Caroline's ickle babby which you can read by clicking here.
The IMDB has details of a film starring Micahel Higgs called All Forgotten which was made in 2000. Now I haven't heard of this film before but it stars Hollywood star Kirsten Dunst and Julie Walters therefore I assume it had a cinema release. So if anyone knows anything about this film or sees it avaliable to rent in their local video store let me know!
UK Gold is fast approaching 1998 episodes of The Bill, at some point I'll get my trusty calculator out and work out when Eddie will start appearing!
Finally in an interview with one of the stars of Bad Girls I saw before Christmas, they said that a new series would be starting at the beginning of this year, so look out for trailers anytime now!

Everyone Say Awww... (29/06/01)

A big congratulations to Michael Higgs and Caroline Catz who have recently had a baby boy! Yes that’s right Michael and Caroline are dating and someone who saw them in London a few months back said they looked very happy together. Good luck to them; I think they make a very cute couple!

UK Gold Episodes (29/06/01)

UK Gold has returned back to 1993 episodes so when I find a calculator and pen I’ll try and work out when that means Eddie Santini will be returning to our screens!

Bank Commercial (25/03/01)

According to my sources (I've always wanted to say that!!) Michael has just filmed a commercial for a bank in Holland. I don't know anything else about this yet, though if I find out anything I'll let you know.

Bad Girls (25/03/01)

Michael Higgs debut in Bad Girls will be in episode 5 or 6, he will be playing dishy doc Dr Thomas Waugh. Bad Girls is on in the UK at 9pm after The Bill, so there is no excuse to miss it.


According to Michael Higg's agent page, he has just finished filming Poirot - Evil Under The Sun, no more information for now but I'll keep you posted.

Juliet Bravo's Review Of The Blue Room:

Any Michael Higgs fans will need to be carried out of the theatre!

I went to see the show at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, on October 7th, where the show is playing until sometime in November I think. What a beautiful theatre that is, it's my first visit there.
I had booked a front row Stalls seat - purely because you can't possibly get any closer to the stage! - but unlike our local theatre, where the front row stalls view is not too low, being in the front row stalls of the Haymarket was just like being in a pit! This is probably normal for all London theatres though for all I know.
Your eyes are precisely at actor's foot level and risk of crick in neck gazing up at object of desire is very high! The price was rather steep too - £27.50 for this (obviously not one of the best by most people's standards) seat. But who cares if you can almost reach out and touch Michael!!!
The play is really good although unfortunately rather short, lasts just one and a half hours without an interval. The acting by Michael and the only other member of the cast, Camilla Power, is really excellent. They are both superb.
The play is an amusing and often cynical look at sexual encounters between different types of people, don't go if you don't like bad language (there is not much but there is some strong stuff).
There are ten scenes with Michael and Camilla playing five different characters each. It's amazing how versatile they both are, and it's great to see Michael in so many roles and costumes. His first character incidentally looks and behaves exactly like Eddie Santini!
In my favourite scene Michael sings and plays guitar - extremely well! I had no idea he was so musically talented as well!
I don't think he had any problems getting work anyway, but playing at the West End in a 'two-hander' play must surely take his career to even greater heights - I'm really pleased for him.
Anyway, all-in-all, a must-see for anyone who lusts after Eddie Santini, lusts after Michael Higgs (you will think you have gone to heaven), or just wants to see a really well-acted, slickly produced and different kind of play.
By the way, there is a good amount of Michael's gorgeous little Italian bod on display throughout the play but I'm glad he is dignified enough not to go full frontal - there was a lovely brief view of naked Michael from the back though, showing his perfect derriere!
I think I need to go and lie down now, writing this has made me feel rather faint again!!!
Highly recommended - go if you can. The show ends on November 25th.


For two slightly more impartial reviews check out the Newspaper Articles page!