About The Santinists
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 About Eddie Santini
About Michael Higgs
Episodes starring Eddie Santini
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Thank You Page

Hmmmmm who should I thank?

Well: firstly and most importantly in my opinion, is Jamie. He gave the group its name (When all I could think of was Santini's Stars! - now you know why I'm so thankful!). He has also contributed two articles and is a good mate too!

Of course I would like to thank all The Santinists, for having such good taste as well as submitting their member profiles, even though some still haven't! *Glares*

Next I wish to thank Juliet Bravo for her contributions, as she has given me two reviews of The Blue Room and one of her own.

I also like to thank CC2000, as she is my right hand lady and her ideas have helped me create this page.

For the pictures on this Site, I would like to thank MikeB and Hells Bells, as the Site would be picture less without them - don't worry I'm getting a scanner soon, which means I have lots of new pictures to put on the Photo's page!

For teaching me the most basic of HTML, I would like to thank Bubbles! I now know how to underline things and make them bold!

Thank you to Casey for being so kind and sending me a lovely signed photo of Michael Higgs!

And one last thank you to everyone on The Bill Web-Site who are all lovely people and made me feel at home and of course put up with my Eddie obsession!

Wow this is like getting an award!

Thank you!
