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Here you can find out more about the members of The Santinists. We now have 20 members! Most recent member profiles can be found at the bottom of the page.
If you have any questions about the group in general, visit the FAQ section.

FORUM NAME:Scooby - Founder
FAVOURITE CHARACTERS:Eddie Santini, Des Taviner, Reg Hollis
FAVOURITE EPISODES:Wheels, Storyboards, No Trace, Santini-Fox ep's, Christmas Star
COMMENT:I'm completely bonkers about Eddie Santini and The Bill. I have a scary obsession with TV bad guys!

FORUM NAME: CC2000 - Co-Founder
FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Eddie Santini, Rosie Fox, Claire Stanton, John Boulton
FAVOURITE EPISODES: Any Fox/Santini, Stanton/Boulton eps & All for One, Dog Eat Dog, Christmas Star
COMMENT: I'm crazy about Michael Higgs and his Italian good looks.

FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Di Worrell, Danny Glaze, Eddie Santini, Reg Hollis, Vicky Hagen
FAVOURITE EPISODES: All change, Cracked Up, Nightworks

FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Eddie Santini, Smiffy, Vicky Hagen, June Ackland
FAVOURITE EPISODES: The first Santini/Fox series, Volcano, Big fish, S.A.D
COMMENT: I have always been a big fan of 'The Baddie' which I guess explains my attraction to Eddie. In my opinion he isn't a murdering, cheating scumbag - he is simply misunderstood!

FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Reg Hollis, Don Beech, John Boulton, Steve Loxton, Ted Roach Eddie Santini
FAVOURITE EPISODES: Any episodes which feature Reg!
COMMENT: I'm a bit mad, I'm a bit sensitive I reckon I'm friendly and I like just about anything Eddie-ble :o)

COMMENT: Hi, my name is Jamie. I don't lust after Eddie like the rest of this harem, but he's a cool villain, and even though I've watched TB on and off for years, it was the first Eddie/Rosie storyline that tipped me over the edge into fandom. So now you know who to blame. And oh yeah I'm a scriptwriter!

FORUM NAME: Juliet_Bravo
FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Eddie Santini, Matt Boyden, Don Beech, John Boulton
FAVOURITE EPISODES: Deep End, The Party's Over, Bang Bang You're Dead, Team Spirit, Old Flame, Push It, Kiss Off, The Trial of Eddie Santini, Christmas Star, When The Snow Lay Round About
COMMENT: I have a real thing about dark-eyed smouldering handsome badboy Italians, a real thing about uniformed policeman, and a real thing about good-looking, highly talented and versatile actors. For all these reasons, I adore Michael Higgs and his alter-ego Eddie Santini.

FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Eddie Santini (RIP), John Boulton (RIP), Claire Stanton, Cass Rickman, Sam Harker
FAVOURITE EPISODES: Deep End, The Trial Of Eddie Santini, Ticking Clocks, Trust, Angel, Room Service
COMMENT: I'm mad as a hatter.

FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Eddie Santini, Sam Harker, Dave Quinnan, Polly Page, Vicki Hagen, Cass Rickman
FAVOURITE EPISODES: Santini-Fox, SAD, Love & War,1&2
COMMENT: I think Eddie/Michael is adorable.

FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Eddie Santini, Rod Skase, Steve Loxton, John Boulton, Tom Chandler.
FAVOURITE EPISODES: Kiss Off The Trial Of Eddie Santini, Sweet Sixteen, Trail Run
COMMENT: I've been a fan since the beginning of time

FORUM NAME: Claire Greep
FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Eddie Santini, Vicky Hagen, Tony Stamp, Smithy
FAVOURITE EPISODES: The Trial Of Eddie Santini
COMMENT: I love The Bill. I have watched it since I was a little girl, and I think I am addicted to it! Eddie is gorgeous, and I miss him.

FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Eddie Santini, Rod Skase, Tom Proctor, Matt Boyden, Don Beech, Liz Rawton, John Boulton, Gary McCann
FAVOURITE EPISODES: Christmas Star, Lone Ranger
COMMENT: Eddie's sexy scenes in The Bill have made me a fan as well as his Italian Stallion attitude.

FORUM NAME: Katiehank
FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Eddie Santini, Vicky Hagen, Cass Rickman
FAVOURITE EPISODES: Any with Eddie or Vicky as the main character
COMMENT: I haven't been watching The Bill for very long but I am addicted now. Bring Back Eddie!

FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Eddie Santini, John Boulton and Matt Boydon
FAVOURITE EPISODES: All the Santini\fox ones especially Lone Ranger, Room Service, any Christmas or New year eps.
COMMENT: My name's Nichola, it's Ncoa on forum (when I do actually post) I'm 15 and I love Eddie.

FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Eddie (Obviously), Des Taviner, Smiffy
FAVOURITE EPISODES: Storyboards, The Trial of Eddie Santini - Eddie-Rosie eps
COMMENT: I still believe that Eddie is alive and in hiding somewhere in Britain awaiting a return to Sun Hill to catch Ferguson.

FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Eddie Santini, Debbie McAllister, Claire Stanton, Dave Quinnan, Rosie Fox
COMMENT: At first I couldn't decide whether or not I should like Eddie, but now it is easy to say I have a weird fascination for him and I suppose that's why I like him!You have NO idea! I am the leader of the Icicles and I am also a member of The Peacemakers, The Stantonettes, the Fox Cubs and the Dunky's. I'm 24 years old and I like to listen to my favourite Australian music band: Men At Work. I like their song, which is sung by the lead singer Colin Hay called: "Down Under".

FORUM NAME: tbgirl/tbgirlalways
FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Eddie Santini, Kate Spears, Paul Riley, Dale Smith, Ben Hayward, Nick Klein, Vicky Hagen, Rod Skase, Mickey Webb. But I think all the cast and characters are great.
FAVOURITE EPISODES: Christmas Star, The Trial of Eddie Santini, Behind Enemy Lines, On The Hook Part One/Two
COMMENT: Hiya! My name is Amy I'm 18 and live in Melbourne in Oz. I love music, soccer, making web sites, shopping and I'm absolutely in love and very addicted to The Bill and have been a fan of the show for many years. Eddie Santini/Michael Higgs is great, he was the first guy on The Bill that I hade a major crush on. I miss Eddie. I'm also President for The Keepers (DC Kate Spears fangroup/site) and Vice President to Paul's Party Patrol (DC Paul Riley fangroup/site).

FORUM NAME: raquel
FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Eddie Santini, Vicky Hagen, Sam Harker, Cass Rickman and Debbie McAllister (cos she's such a bitch!)
FAVOURITE EPISODES: The ones with Eddie in them. And probably the 'Episode 010' (when it's shown but I just have a feeling it will be)
COMMENT: I love The Bill and have been watching it for ages and ages and when Eddie Santini came, I was HOOKED!!!

FORUM NAME: Mrs Gilmore
FAVOURITE CHARACTERS:Eddie Santini, Craig Gilmore and June Ackland
COMMENT: I like Eddie because he's bad.

FORUM NAME: Santinisgal
FAVOURITE CHARACTERS:Eddie Santini, John Boulton, Frank Burnside, Nick Slater, Mickey Webb, Smithy...the list goes on!!
FAVOURITE EPISODES:Well any with Eddie in obviously, but especially Kiss Off.
COMMENT: I'm 16 and in love with Michael Higgs. I've got pics of him everywhere - some might say I'm obsessed! I cannot believe I've only just found this site! I thought I was the only one that was mad about him. My friends think I'm crazy!