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Eddie Santini

Eddie Santini made his debut in The Bill in 1998 in the episode Storyboards, he wasn't popular from the start and it was his manipulative ways that got on the nerves of others. He would always look out for himself and seemed to have no respect for any of the others.

Always seemingly in trouble with someone, he went to far in August 98, when his ego got the better of him and he sexually harassed new PC Rosie 'Rosebud' Fox. She left and PC Eddie Santini lost any friends that he had made and was hated by all at Sunhill.

Around 6 month later and once some of his respect had returned, Rosie returned to Sunhill having been transferred and promoted to DS. This time Eddie who was trying to get promoted to the drugs squad ended getting involved in more trouble. After a short romance with PC Vikki Hagen, Eddie ended up pushing an ex-girlfriend and suspect in a case down the stairs resulting in her dying. Eddie was eventually arrested thanks to Vikki finally realising that he wasn't so innocent as he made out.

Nearly a full year later and just as we had thought we had seen the end of Eddie, he returned for The murder trial. Rosie was killed by a drugs barron who Eddie had been trying to catch to get into the drugs squad. Eddie was found not guilty in the trial and was realised but unfortunately Eddie faced the same fate as Rosie, and was shot dead when arriving home from the trial.

Despite all this Eddie did have a good natured side to him, he did really love Rosie and his shock at hearing of her death was clear to see. Also in Christmas Star he helped a child having been run over by a car at Christmas meet her hero Emanuel Petit. He may have not shown this side of him very often but it was there and many believe Eddie Santini was a misunderstood Police Officer.

Eddie and DS Rosie Fox