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Eddie Santini, had a brilliant sense of humour. Santinist member: CC2000 has put together many quotes which demonstrate this. Each quote also includes the episode title and original UK transmission date.

As far as I'm concerned CID are bananas: they're bent, yellow and they hang around in bunches.
Feb 1998
To Dave Quinnan when discussing if he's commited to uniform.
Here we are: home, sweet, home. That'll be £3.50, please.
A Rainy Night In Sunhill
Feb 1998
When dropping off a mentally ill patient outside her home.
Debbie's off the menu.
Out of Hand
June 1998
After an elderly gentlemen was asked what he would like.
I'm Italian. I believe in the sanctity of marriage!
Out Of Hand
June 1998
To Debbie Keane when asked why he put in so much effort to help two married OAPs.
Careful, Sarge. She's a maniac when reversing!
King Of The Road
Aug 1998
Commenting on Polly Page's driving, after she reversed into sign post.
I was investigating; so shoot me!
One Man, Two Faces
Aug 1998
After he upset Gary McCann by asking a witness too many questions.
The kind of things thick people like: cars, football and sex.
Deep End
Sept 1998
When Rosie Fox asked what he was interested in.
Oooh, be gentle with me, Rosebud!
Deep End
Sept 1998
When Rosie wanted a private word with him.
My friends usually call me "Clever b*****d"!
Deep End
Aug 1998
After Rosie Fox just called him a b*****d for setting up a prisoner.
I'm always perfect.
Deep End
Sept 1998
To Rosie Fox
Not now Reg; my brain hurts.
For Interest Only
Nov 1998
When escaping one of Reg's lectures on lateral thinking.
Pull the other one. It plays Jingle Bells.
Christmas Star
Dec 1998
When questioning someone dressed as Santa Claus.
When's it due?
Dec 1998
To Tony after he was complaining about putting on weight over Christmas
The old boy's as p*ssed as a newt!
Dec 1998
When approached by an enthusiastic old man with a bottle of whisky.
You couldn't go for older women, Luke. It'd be illegal.
No Love Lost
Feb 1999
In a club, when discussing older women with Luke Ashton and Matt Boyden.
We certainly meet a lot of people from outer space.
No Love Lost
Feb 1999
When a young woman asks if his job as "working for the government" is like in the X-Files.
They do now.
No Love Lost
Feb 1999
To Matt Boyden, when their story for the CIB has the slight flaw that women don't see Matt as a fatherly figure.
Depends how he got there.
After Kerry Holmes tells a woman that there's "nothing stupid about finding a strange man in your room."
Eddie: You know what I want Vicks?
Vicky: No. Tell me.
Eddie: I want you to let Dave Quinnan have your overtime slot.
Lone Ranger
June 1999
Ed and Vicky flirting at his flat. I think Vicks was expecting something more romantic!
If I don't get Sunhill sorted, I could bring in half of Colombia and I still wouldn’t get in the drugs squad!
Lone Ranger
June 1999
To Jess Orten when she fails to see the importance of keeping Bob Cryer happy.
Look Corporal Bill. You help me and I'll help you.
Lone Ranger
June 1999
To a guy who's been pretending to be a Major, and then tried to obtain money by deception.
Get back to your own planet, Rosebud!
Old Flame
June 1999
To Rosie Fox after she told him that she won't be intimidated.
Watch all you like Ma'am, just don't touch!
Old Flame
June 1999
To Rosie Fox after she told him that she "be watching every move" he makes.
No, I’m the Dali bloody Lama.
The Trial Of Eddie Santini
April 2000
To his cellmate after he was asked whether he was "the copper".
Get of your legal bloody high horse and tell me straight.
The Trial Of Eddie Santini
April 2000
To his barrister, Alex Dunbar QC.