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Article source: Inside Soap Issue 94
Originally written by: Jon Peake
Date Published: 1998
Copyright: Inside Soap Magazine
Article Provided by: Jamie (DiWorrells_Cheeky_Smile)

Fast Eddie

Eddie Santini is the un-PC PC causing a stir down at Sun Hill...

As The Bill's newest recruit PC Eddie Santini, actor Michael Higgs is set to become a household name. And if the experiences of his flatmate are anything to go by, he's not looking forward to it.
"I share a flat with Martin Marquez, who played Sun Hill's DS Danny Pearce," he explains. "I know what to expect. There will come a time when 12 million people know who I am.
"I've been out with Martin when people have made unsubtle comments to his face. I don't know how I'm gonna cope with that."
The 27-year old actor should take a leaf out of Eddie's book.
"Eddie's flash and mercurial with a bit of an edge", says Michael, whose previous credits include Between The Lines and what he calls "an unmemorable role" in EastEnders.
"A lot of people feel they can't trust him and wonder why he was knocked back form plain clothes into uniform again. Most people think the officers couldn't trust him, but he's got a different story to tell."
Although south London based Michael has never considered joining the police force himself, he has enjoyed wearing the uniform.
"It's quite strange", he admits. "You turn around and look in the mirror and its like 'Wow!'. It's kind of powerful in a way."
Thankfully Michael is nothing like his character.
"I can bring a certain mischievousness to him," he says. "But he's soon to be involved in a story about sexual harassment - and that's not me at all!" Jon Peake