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Date Published: 26th February 1999
Copyright/Article Source: The Bill Official web site
Article Provided by: Scooby

Back in 1999, Michael very kindly took time out of filming to sit down with Esther Haylock (The Excutive Producer's PA) and answered questions from fans in the chatroom of the Official Site. I've edited it down to make it easier to read. If you haven't read it before it's well worth a look as it gives a great insight into what a nice and funny guy Michael really is!

****MICHAEL HIGGS****: hello
obbsy: really you?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: yeah it's really me!
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: I'm eating my soup as we speak!
Ebb: Are you actually typing or is Esther?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Esther's typing - it would have taken me an hour to say that about my soup!
LL: what kind of soup?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: It's carrot and onion!
obbsy: Michael-what is it like living with Martin Marquez
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: I don't live with Martin anymore
Fisher: carrots - so you can see in the dark
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Exactly
brummie: Do u have bread with it?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Yeah Pitta bread
LL: what is it like playing one of SUNHILLs more *evil* characters Michael?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: It's the best - I wouldn't wanna be nice
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: SO363 - bits and pieces but we're essentially poles apart
LL: Do you get abuse from people who recognise you on the street as *evil Eddie*?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: ll - not really people seem to enjoy him in a kind of love to hate him way
Ariadne: Michael, Sam Robson said there is going to be some development between Santini and Hagen. Any clues?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Ariadne - Yeah depends how useful she can be to me!
Fisher: do you get on with Iain Fletcher ?
mapp84: michael what's it like working at sun hill with all those cool boy snad girls both on stage and back stage?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Mapp - it's great fun I like working here and yes I do get on with Iain Fletcher he make me laugh a lot
Tinty: Michael...what do you think of...otters?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Tinty - I think they're very cuddly creatures but I wouldn't want to sleep with one!
mapp84: michael do u play a musical instrument?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: mapp - yeah guitar
cait: Micheal! You are now my favourite TB actor! Bless you for answering Tinty!!
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: cait - thank you
obbsy: MIchael- does Dave Quinnan die?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: obbsy - I couldn;t possibly answer that - I'm not a fortuner teller!!! - We all die!!!!
mapp84: Michael have you been to any fan sites on the Internet and if you have what do you think about the presence of TB on the Internet?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: mapp - I think it's dead exciting!
Fisher: MICHAEL how many easter eggs will you get ?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: fisher - about 656 - if you all send me them
PHUT!!!: Michael, do you feel that characterisation wise Eddie has been painted into a tight corner?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: PHUT - not as tight as it's going to get!
Tinty: Michael, what are baby octapuses called?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Tinty - Octokittens
Fisher: What easter eggs do you like ? i prefer the chocolate orange ones
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Fiser - big chocolate ones
sarah: how often do you read your emails Michael?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Sarah - whenever they come in
cait: so you thing the character still has room to develop Micheal?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Cait - characters always have room to develop
Xie: Michael has Esther shared her copious packets of Tim Tams with you?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: xie - no not at all!
Fisher: Michael as eddie is Italian,can you speak Italian ?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Fisher - err no pidgeon Italian
cait: do you have input into the scripts at all?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Cait - no not really
Kaz: Does Eddie have redeeming features?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Kaz - of course he does he likes small children and animals - they're defenceless!
LL: I am suggesting that *Eddie* has a problem with women Mapp
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: ll - I love women - problem is they don't always love me
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: No I have'e finished my soup - too many questions
Heather: Michael - so what do you think of our group - mad or friendly
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Heather - They seems good fun - I like them I've never done anything like this before it's
brummie: Micheal Please answer one of my questions..pleeeease
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Brummie - ask me a question
Billette: Michael, will Rosebud be returning to TB?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Billette - yes - we're filming them as we speak
brummie: MICHAEL what is LGHSA (John Boulton) like!?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Brummie - he's a lovely bloke we share the same agent, he's great
Fisher: Michael you do look Italian - the classic Italian good looks
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: I am half Italian
Fisher: Michael you're missing Nieghbours
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Fisher - my fave line from Neighbours" I never wanna see you again, I wish you were dead and that's final"
Fisher: the top half or the bottom half ?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Which half do you think?
Heather: Michael - was acupunture painful
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Getting stabbed - only in a small way
Heather: Nice
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Heather - not as painful as being stabbed I should imagine
Fisher: Michael would youlike to be on Noel's House party ?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Fisher - I'd rather be stabbed than go on there
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: lol
cait: Micheal - how did you get the part of Eddie - were there many auditioning for it?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: load including the two bloke off EastEnders the DiMarcos but I beat them to it!
Gordon: So Michael - if Eddy hurts Vicky I will have to kill him :-)
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Gordon - you're a very sad man - as ;long as she does what I ask she'll be fine!
shaz: Michael is they any other part in the bill you would like to play
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: shaz - yeah I'd like to play Polly Page!
Heather: When will we see what you are doing now
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Heather late May June - (UK)
Xie: Hagen has been waiting for some involvement since Eddie arrived
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Xie - I know - she's always had her eye on me!
Sunhill2: Is Eddie bent?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Sunhill2 - is the Pope a Catholic
Hobbes: play polly or play with her?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Hobbes - whichever
Gordon: so does Eddie want to become an area car driver - the ultimate d*ck compensator???
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Gordon - no he's not interested
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: yeah big round of applause for Esther!
brummie: MICHEAL What is it like to have the best job in the universe
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Brummie - I'll tell you when I get it!
LL: Micahel, how would you like to see Eddie develope in the future?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: LL - Just as he is doing - just starting x4 1 hours!
Hobbes: Don't blame him he does drive a Golf GTi
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: They took the AGolf now I have an Alfa Romeo Spider which is the one I wanted
Fisher: Michael do you like wearing the uniform ?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Yeah I love wearing the uniform - it took a while to get used to it but now I wouldn't go home without it!
Fisher: what colour michael ?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Dark blue - car
Gordon: Does Eddie want to get into CID ?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Gordon - Eddie wants to get as far up the food chain as possible - ideally the drug squad!
LL: Have you ever been mistaken for a real policeman whilst filming MICHAEL?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: LL - Yeah - the question is have I ever been mistaken for an actor whilst filming?
Gordon: what to buy or bust ???
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Gordon - yeah one would inevitably lead to the other
Fisher: Michael are you going on Holiday this summer ?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Fisher - I'm not that good at making plas far in advance?
Kaz: Yes, is Eddie bent, or just bad?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Kaz - well that's what comes out in these next four hours!
PHUT!!!: Michael, is Mark Wingett enjoying being PC Carver again?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: don't know I haven't spoken to him about it
Kaz: Is Carver *really* a PC again?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: kaz - yeah he will be - you have to go back after 10 years if you don't get promotion
Ebb: Where on location are you working today Michael?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Ebb - South Wimbledon, Merton
Gordon: whats your favourite Police saying Michael ?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: You do not have to say anthing but it may harm your defence....oh just get in the car!
Fisher: Skase as a pc would be nice
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Fisher - I don't think so!
Kaz: Really Michael, is that the rule? Bit tough.
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: kaz - yeah it happens in the force
Fisher: Do you live near the studios?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: about five miles away
cait: Michael - do you do other roles when you are not filming TB?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: I do pop up in the new Julia Roberts film Notting hill - blink and you'll miss me!
barmyarmy: cid rulz
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Not they're not - Uniform are the best!
cait: Was it very different from filming TB Michael?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: cait - yeah it's alot bigger operation and eveything takes longer
Fisher: Michael what music do you listen to ?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Fisher - everything from Classical to some Sly and the Family Stone to Jazz to hip hop
Natoz: Have you ever been to OZ?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: natoz - no I haven't
Tinty: What guitar/s have you, Michael?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Tinty - just one acoustic guitar
Heather: What TV programmes do you watch - apart from TB
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Heather - The Vice
Kaz: Will there be a TB in Oz special?
Hobbes: Can you cook Michael?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Hobbes - yes I can
Heather: I like that too - and Rosebud's in it!
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Heather - Yeah and she's coming back here
PHUT!!!: Michael, when is Eddie going to dress fashionably and not like some retro wannabe?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: PHUT - They're my own clother you cheeky *
Tinty: Why are my most purile questions answered? Makes me sound silly.
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Tinty - if the cap fits - wear it
Fisher: Michael would you go on ready steady cook ?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Fisher - doubt it
shaz: Michael would you like to write an episode of the bill
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: shaz - I would actually
Fisher: i like eddies dress sence, prehaps i should keep that quiet
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: I love Ediie's dress sense too - I think it's individual and interesting
Heather: Do all the 'lads' in TB go for a pint after work like your characters do?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: sometimes we go for a pint after work but not often enough - it's just the way it is
Sunhill2: I'd still like to know if Eddie is crooked
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: S2 - Wait and see ALL will be revealed
brummie: MICHAEL ever been to Birmingham?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Brummie - I lived in Birmingham the 11 years of my life
PHUT!!!: Michael, how do you overcome the irony of playing a police constable on a police constable's salary when in fact you are a well-paid actor?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: you'd be surprised - not that well paid
Natoz: Did you work with Tom Butcher(PC Loxton)?
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: I never worked with Tom Butcher
brummie: WHOO HOO Its a cool place aint it...Birmingham!
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Brummie - I saw the light
Fisher: Michael ever been to Plymouth
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Yeah I went to college in Plymouth. I enjoy going back to visit my sister in Plymouth
brummie: MICHAEL Oh well I love Brum
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Brummie - actually I hated leaving Birmingham cos I loved it so much I made it difficult
Heather: How do you relax ? Michael
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: I do yoga, running, play guitar listen to music
****MICHAEL HIGGS****: Thanks very much for taking your time - it's been good fun, see you again! Bye - THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS!!!!!!!!
Esther: He was half in character half Michael
Esther: He had a fantastic time - It kind of freaked him out that everyone wanted to chat - he loved it
Esther: It as Eddies that told you to listen - we were laughing about that I'm glad you all saw it as a joke
Esther: Isn't he a lovely bloke
Esther: No he did spill his soup on me though
Esther: Michael's got a wicked dress sense